I am really going to do this. So I have made the goal, now I just need to plan how to accomplish this goal. This goal for me is not only be a healthier and more in shape version of myself, but to change my life and life style. I am easily swayed to eating out, eating quick and eating treats and little cheats (as I like to call them). And skipping my workout to work longer, snuggle with a blanket on the couch or just to sit and tell myself I need to relax. Which is true sometimes, but not for months at a time. On this blog, I am not only to report to you what I am eating and when I working out, but I have to admit to you when I have slipped up and what my excuse is. So that not only can you see how ridiculous my excuses are, but so that I can see how ridiculous they are too. By the end of the year, I want to recognize that I cheat on my meals when I am stressed or lazy and have solutions to combat that feeling. I also want to have a different outlook on food and exercise by the end of the year.
They say it take 40 days to make something a habit, but did they tell you that it only takes one day to reverse all progress made in that habit. As you know in the course of a year there are several 40 days. To be exact there are 9.13 40 day cycles. Since I will probably not be set up to reporting to you until 01/10 that leaves 8.76 40 day cycles to screw up or make it. Over the course of this year, I can think of at least three times that I could be derailed. #1: When I go to San Francisco for my annual Janba bowling tournament. This tournament is not only filled with bowling, it is filled with alcoholic beverages, delicious Japanese food, and late nights of grabbing something quick to eat before you crash to wake up 6 hours later. #2: Trips to New York. For one I live to gorge on bread, pizza and baked goods. And let's not forget Loretta's delicious home cooked meals. Plus there is always eating out and the whole trip is geared towards where we are going to eat. Danger, Danger. #3: Holidays. Enough said. This is treat central for every where you go. There is no escaping chocolate covered yummies.
Alright, so now you realize that may seem like the most crazy thing a person could do, but I am putting myself out there for all of you to see. This is to show you that even with the most determination to be a healthier person, there will be set backs. And there will be failing times, but I am tired of fat pants, flowy tops and ways to look thinner. I just want to be comfortable and proud of the body that I am living in. No more shame. Here is to 2011 and a healthier more alive self.
I am really excited to see what you do so maybe I can do the same things. I am still doing that Crossfit thing and I think you would love it! You should definitely check it out. The one I go to is at this link but they are cropping up all over so maybe there is one closer to you. I think you would kill it! Let me know if you are interested.