Monday, January 31, 2011

Holy Cow!

So I am not quite sure where two weeks went, but I am sure that they have happened because I am behind on homework and it is the end of the month.

So to re-cap the past two weeks I have had successes and I have had failures.

Let's start with the failures so that we can end on a positive note:

  • Taco Bell. I know. Disgusting, especially since the latest release of the meat not really being meat. Since this story has came out, I have definitely curbed this bad habit. I am still having issues with bowling and class nights, but I am trying to get a handle on it.
  • Sweets. I hate that I can't turn away a dessert. I hate that I like them. But I do, so I need to figure out a way to limit myself and I need to figure out a way to not want to cheat on that limit.
  • Preparing and planning meals. I have no excuse besides my utter laziness on a Sunday evening.


  • Water. I am hydrated. I make sure to drink at least three of my nifty camelbaks a day
  • Exercise. I know I could do better, but even if it is late and I am tired I will do at least 30 minutes of toning per day to keep my muscles moving.
  • Breakfast. This has always been my biggest down fall, but I am happy to report that I have ate breakfast everyday since I have made the commitment. They haven't all been complete and filling, but they have not been donuts or bagels either. One small win for me.

Moving forward. Well this week is already starting off a little rocky since I didn't grocery shop yesterday or prepare any meals. That means that I will probably fail on the eating out most every night this week. Well since I don't really have a plan, I will figure it out tonight while I am bowling, at least I can do something productive while I am waiting my turn. I have homework that I can catch up on too.

Another update, I am toying with the idea of going gluten free. Maybe not 100%, but possibly for certain times of the day. Gregg thinks it is bogus, which is probably true, but might possibly help my love for bread, and sweets.

So the food of the week is quinoa. Do you know what you can do with quinoa? Do people even know what this is? Well you tell me and next week I will let you know what you can do with this wonderful little seed. :)


  1. I am pretty close to gluten free b/c of my wheat allergy, in all honesty my weight didn't change at all b/c of it and yes, my carbs have since lowered, I personally don't think gluten free for weight loss is the way to go. You can still eat bread, it just takes more effort as I bake a loaf each week. I've been loving the Abs diet, eat every 2 hours (which does require packed meals and planning) and a cheat meal once per week, gives me something to look forward to and keeps me strict on the other days. Quinoa is GREAT! IT goes with anything, you can make it a dessert, a side, really anything you want it'll do :) Just check your serving size and GOOD job! oh and disappointing about taco bell :(

  2. I love taco bell, too... it's not even funny.. Anyway, they have really pushed at the Crossfit place I go to The Zone Diet. It has diet in the name, but it is hardly that. It is a healthier way of eating. It is a balance of fats(good fats which our body needs), carbs(from veggies and other good sources) and protein. I have not once felt hungry and I have lost weight. It is awesome because if you fail one meal(taco bell) just pick it up the next meal and move on. I love it because there is so much freedom, but I feel 100% better. Let me know if you are interested. I have an easy guide to follow that I could give you. Later!
